Friday, August 15, 2008

Rhode Island Vacation Part 6: Roger Williams Zoo

On Thursday morning we picked Laina up at Auntie Di's house. She was so adorable when we walked in. She just kept giggling at us. Joe and I both felt like she looked so much older in just 4 short days. As nice as it was to have a break, there was nothing like the feeling of her wrapping her little arms around me and squeezing the dickens out of me. So sweet.

We left Auntie Di's house and headed up to the Roger Williams Zoo which is something I've always wanted to do with Laina. As often as I end up in Rhode Island, I can't seem to get myself up to the zoo but we finally made it there. It was a lot of fun and we saw a bunch of great animals. Laina is still asking us what our favorite animals were.

Laina checking out the Wildebeasts!

Laina in our rented stroller.
Mommy & Laina in front of the zoo map/sign.


Adorable giraffe. This one was about 3 feet away from us.

Seals swimming around.

Daddy & Laina taking a break.

So we're back home now, taking it easy for 3 days before heading back to the real world next week. We haven't been on a real vacation for 4 years and we're hopeful it won't be another 4 before we take the next vacation! As fun as vacation was, it's great to be at our "back home house" (that's what Laina calls our house) and to sleep in our own beds!

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