Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Evan!

Today is Evan's 3rd Birthday! Amazing. Laina and Evan have been buds since Laina started at daycare when she was 4 months old and Evan was 5 months old. They are born one day shy of one month apart. Needless to say, they are very close.

On Sunday we attended Evan's Scooby Doo themed party and Amanda sure outdid herself this year. There was a bounce house which Laina loved. There was a guy making balloon animals, hats, etc., There were party games and prizes and of course there was cake. Laina has been out of daycare for almost 2 weeks and so when she was re-united with Evan again she didn't want to let him out of her sight. All we heard was "wait for me Evan". It was quite precious. Evan was a very gracious birthday boy and even let Laina help him open a few gifts after he was rather overwhelmed by the sheer volume of gifts he received.

After Evan's party Laina became even more excited about her birthday coming up. It's a hard concept for a 3 year old to have to wait a whole month before a birthday but she's doing pretty well. She's so excited about her Mickey Mouse party. She knows we have a Mickey candle for the cake and she cannot wait to use it!

Here are some pics from Evan's party:

Laina & Evan flopping around in the bounce house

Laina shadowing Evan's every move

The dynamic duo

Comparing balloon animals

Super cool Scooby Doo cake!

Stephanie (one of Laina & Evan's teachers) speedily opening remote control vehicles so Laina and Evan can play with them

American Idols meets Scooby Doo
(she's literally singing Happy Birthday to Evan in this shot)

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