Monday, June 30, 2008

The Weekend

Well, I can't post pictures but...we had a fun weekend. Saturday we went down to Grammy & Grampy's house for a visit. Auntie Di & Nik came up from Rhode Island too. We brought Laina's dance recital dress, tights, shoes & music and she put on a private performance of "The Body Rock" for the family since they couldn't attend the big show. Once the DVD is in, they'll be able to see that as well. Everyone enjoyed it. We also brought Laina's big girl bike and she showed off her skills for everyone. It was so strange to have Laina riding her bike up and down the street I grew up on and rode my bike on for years!

Sunday we went to "La Kermesse" which is the local franco-american festival in Biddeford, the town next to ours. We had a good time. Laina rode on the merry go round, the train and the cars. Riding the cars was her first ever solo amusement ride. Last year she was too little to do anything alone. They also had a little circus there and we got to see a juggler, a clown, a lady on a trapeze way high up in the air and some very smart, adorable performing pooches. Laina was exhausted but had a great time. In the afternoon we went to a new playground near our house and I don't know who had a better time, she or I. We rode the swings together and climbed all the playground stuff and she and I went down the slide together a bunch of times. What a blast!

Pictures to follow...when I get my beloved computer back!

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