Friday, June 6, 2008

There's Nothing I Wouldn't Do For This Girl...

Laina LOVES the show Super Why. If you haven't seen it before (and you hang out with a pre-schooler) I highly recommend you check it out. It's a great little show on PBS. It deals with the trials and tribulations of four super-readers. Laina learns a lot about spelling and reading from this show and aside from being's really just awfully darned cute. Our favorite line in the show is "when we have a problem, we a book"! Great more adults should embrace!

We have almost every episode of the show saved on DVR. Every episode....except of course the one episode she wanted to see, "Rapunzel". For days, when we told her she could watch Super Why, she would say "Rapunzel???" with that twinkle in her eye longing for it to magically appear and the answer was always "sorry Laina we don't have Rapunzel" to which she would reply "you record it mommy?" Ever so hopeful, figuring mommies always come through right....she was just breaking my little heart. Luckily with a quick Google search, I discovered that Super Why is downloadable from itunes! So with the simple click of a button (and yes a simple charge of $1.99) we now own Rapunzel. She was elated when I put the laptop in the living room for her to watch. Her eyes got real big and she looked up at me and said "ohhhhh, that's fun!" I love being able to do little things like that for her. Really, sometimes mommies (and daddies too) are just magical, huh. Here's a little picture of Laina watching Rapunzel on the computer.

In other news, Laina's big dance recital is tomorrow. She had her full dress rehearsal up at the Merrill Auditorium in Portland. I am happy to report she ventured out on to the stage and performed about 60% of the dance moves. The other 40% of the time she looked at me with this look of "what the heck am I doing out here" on her face. Adorable! All the girls looked so sweet in their blue dresses. When I got Laina dressed, she looked down at herself and said "ohhhh, my beautiful blue dress!" Tomorrow should be a lot of fun!! Of course there will be a full report in an upcoming blog entry so stay tuned!

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