Thursday, June 26, 2008

On Hiatus

The laptop is sick. To me, this is traumatizing news to receive. As it turns out, our wireless card was pretty much defective from birth. It's taken us forever to figure out that the problem lies within our poor little computer not somewhere in our wireless system. Apparently this is a big problem for our model HP and they are paying to Fed Ex it to them, repair it and Fed Ex it back. They are not reimbursing me for pain & suffering due to missing my laptop. I live for this thing!

Oh well, enough about that. Here's a cute little video of Laina singing the closing theme to her new favorite show, "Mickey's Clubhouse". The girl loves this show (now in the number one spot, before Super Why or Jack). For those of you who do not know the show, the closing theme goes "hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog, hot dog hot diggity dog". Laina sings this song over and over and over again.

Laina sings "Mickey's Clubhouse" will be a while before I post back soon....better then ever I hope! :)

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