Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mother's Day Part 2

Last Sunday was Mother's Day. I spent the day traveling home from Massachusetts where I was visiting with friends. Joe spent the day traveling to Massachusetts where he spent the first half of the week in court in Worcester. We met up in Lowell for lunch. Since it wasn't really the most relaxing Mother's Day, Joe and Laina gave me "Mother's Day Part 2" today. I got up this morning and drank my coffee and watched The Today Show and relaxed. Joe took Laina out for breakfast and for a drive so that I could have some quiet time alone. I read two whole Parent's Magazines (now I'm only about 8 months behind). In the afternoon they went out to buy gifts for me. I wanted the new Barenaked Ladies CD, "snack time" which is BNL's first children's album. I think that's a sure sign of becoming a mom when you're asking for kid's CD's as gifts! After shopping they went to the playground. I sat on the couch and watched two silly chick flicks today. I cannot remember the last time I did that! It was wonderful and relaxing. After Laina's nap we went out to dinner to round out a fabulous day. I really like Mother's Day Part 2!!!

Here are a couple of pictures of Laina from today - one in front of the house before heading out with Daddy and one posing with the flowers that she and Joe bought for me.

1 comment:

All about Me said...

Hey San -- I spent my morning reviewing your blog all the way back to the beginning (a perfect way to procrastinate). I love you guys lots. Love, Di xoxoxo