Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday Fun!

Laina and I had a fun, do a lot of nothing---but the day is filled up kind of day today. We got up and had breakfast, then we did some coloring and worked on writing letters. Laina is getting really good at writing her name. After that we had fun with Play Doh. She's been asking to play with Play Doh forever but I didn't want the Play Doh on the new dining room table. I finally got her play table set up in the kitchen. It had been in her room and I wanted to move it into the kitchen. So we finally did that and Laina had a blast with Play Doh today. I bought her the new set with all the animal eyes, ears, tails, etc and now she finally had a chance to play with it all!

After Play Doh we headed out to do a couple of errands and then back home for a bike ride around the neighborhood. Laina has recently mastered pedaling the tricycle. We've been working on this for a while at home and a few weeks ago, she got it at school. Her teacher Stephanie told me that Antonio (adorable little Antonio) has been helping her learn how to pedal and that he works with her and says "Laina push this foot...push your foot..." so cute! These are some of the benefits to daycare....friends who are a little bit older and take you under their wing, and being motivated to want to keep up with your friends!

Laina was so excited to show me her pedaling and couldn't wait until Daddy came home from work to show him. After lunch and nap Laina and I worked on our special art project for Auntie Di whose birthday is next week....but no pictures of that here.....shhhhhhhhhhhh, its a secret!

After dinner we showed Daddy her new pedaling skills. There's also a picture of her with a City of
Saco drain. Every walk around the neighborhood includes a stop at every drain so she can spell all the letters in "City of Saco Drain". She's pretty funny.

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