Thursday, April 30, 2009

French Braid Test Run

Laina's dance recital comes up in June and her pictures are in May. Laina's dance teacher had this great idea - - the girls should wear their hair in French Braids for the recital - GREAT, right! Yeah - - - if my three year old had long hair! Laina has been growing her hair for 3.5 long years now and its still barely shoulder length. Needless to say, we cannot do a french braid! So, I consulted with our trusty stylist, Jaime who thought she'd be able to put Laina's hair in two french braids. We decided to do a test run this week to make sure it would work before the recital and after adding lots of hair product to her head, the french braids came out very cute! Take a look!

Jaime and Laina
The braids! Pretty!!!
Laina's patience pays off with a lollipop from Jaime - she's rather proud of herself


Mommy said...

LOVE the braid, cute!!!!

All about Me said...

Looking good!