Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Day In The Life

Laina and I enjoy two weekdays home together each week. One of these days, Laina takes dance class and the other day we take music class together. The rest of the day we fill with outings such as grocery shopping, trips to Target, etc. Sometimes we do fun things like going to the Children's Museum. When the warmer months arrive we will spend lots of time at the playground or walking along the beach (oh how I cannot wait for this!).

Today after music class, we decided to hit our favorite little hangout, Starbucks and get a coffee for me and a hot chocolate for Laina (also known as a hot chwockowate). She love love loves Starbucks and really, who doesn't right. I didn't have my regular camera with me but snapped these shots of Laina with my cell phone camera.

Laina looks so grown up in the big easy chair holding the Starbucks cup
Delish! Her face is covered in chocolate

After Starbucks we headed over to the library. We have a pretty set routine at the library. It includes picking out a DVD to borrow, playing with the train table, visiting the fish tank and picking out books to borrow. But today --- Laina used her very own library card for the very first time and checked out six new books for us to enjoy!!!

At the train table
Building the track
Checking out her very own books!

I'm blessed to be able to have my special days with Laina each week. Lately I've been thinking a lot about how she will be in school in the next couple of years and our days hanging out together will be limited. I want to eat up every bit of my time with her. I think back to when I worked full time and how I felt like I missed out on so many little things. I'm so thankful to be in a situation where we get our couple of days together and I also get to work a couple of days a week in a job I truly enjoy.

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