Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What A Glorious Day!

It's 60~plus degrees today AND we get to elect a new President!!! Does it get any better? I don't know about everyone else but I'm feeling pretty happy today! Laina went with me to vote today. I've been explaining the election to her as best as I could, on her level. This morning I showed her on the news where they were showing Barack Obama going to the polls to vote today and I showed her Michelle Obama and their two little girls and I told her that she was going to go vote with me just like Obama's little girls had gone with him. Later during the day in the car Laina asked me if we were going to see Obama's daughters when we vote. I thought that was pretty good logic. I love that it's Laina's first Presidential election. It's very exciting stuff. She keeps telling daddy that I'm an Obama Mama. I brought her into the voting booth with me and showed her how you vote and she helped me pick which people to vote for (ok, just kidding). She told me on the ride home that she hopes Obama wins first. I said me too, Boo...me too!

Here is Laina right after we voted sporting her "I voted today" sticker.

And just in case you didn't see Google's homepage today - I had to post this. LOVE IT!

Our voting location happens to be at a school so Laina lucked out with the beautiful weather and got to enjoy some playground time. She's so independent on the playground equipment now. Where I used to worry she would take a false step and land on her head, I now just sit back and enjoy the fun!

I love this shot. This particular playground has the crazyest slides. Its hard to tell from the pictures, but they are super steep slides. This shot is only blurry because she's ZOOOOOOMING down the slide!

If you haven't voted yet....get out there and DO IT! It's too important not to! Go Obama!

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