Monday, November 3, 2008

Laina Dances to "Little Boxes"

One of our all time favorite children's singers is Laurie Berkner (thanks Karla!!!). We own quite a few of her CD's and listen to them all the time. Well one day last year, Joe and I were watching the show, Weeds on Showtime, which is an adult show about a stay at home mom/drug dealer. Last season, every week they would have a different artist sing the opening theme song, "Little Boxes" so this one day the theme song begins and Joe and I look at each other and say "is that Laurie Berkner singing???" It was so funny to us that this wholesome children's singer was singing the theme song to Weeds. So, of course I had to download it off of itunes and its become one of our favorite songs. Laina loves dancing to it and asks to hear "Boxes" all the time. At the very end of the video you can hear her say "can you put" and what she's asking is "can you put Boxes on again".

Here are Joe and Laina dancing to "Little Boxes". Laina is a fabulous little dancer - - and Joe's pretty darned sassy too! Enjoy!

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