Friday, April 4, 2008

Pizza - - - pure culinary perfection

The picture says it all. The girl loves pizza and what's not to love, right. It's saucy, cheesy, bready, and just plain yummy. I think Laina would eat it 3 times a day, 7 days a week, if given the chance.

We've signed up for another class! We began our "Music Together" class this week. It meets for 10 weeks in the same location where we take dance so Laina's getting very familiar with the place. This class has about 10 kids and their parents and its all about music. There's singing and the kids can play musical instruments, the teacher plays a keyboard and sings everything. There's a section for free dance where we all just get up and dance around the room. It's very liberating to jump around the room with your 2 year old and not really care who is watching you! Each week someone gets to bring in a favorite song for the "free dance" segment. I have a sneaking suspicion we'll be bringing in "Jenny Jenkins" when it's our turn!

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