Thursday, April 10, 2008

Gymboree: A Religous Experience

It's Gymbucks time! There's something about this store that just draws me in, mesmerizes me, and brainwashes me into spending way too much money on my little girl. When I go into Gymboree, I have to go alone. I can't go with Laina because I need 100% concentration. It's crazy. There's just something about the store that overcomes me. I went to the mall alone tonight. Joe stayed home with Laina. She asked where I was going and I told her that I was going to Gymboree. Her reply, ever so precious was "you buy stuff for Laina?" Oh, she doesn't know the half of it! While at the mall I decided to pop into other favorite stores such as Bath & Body Works and I tell you...I'd just rather spend my money on Gymboree these days. What has happened to me?

So this time around what does Gymboree do? They go and create a line filled with tropical fish! I swear they do this to mess with me. They just know I love fish - I'm sure of it! My bathroom is decorated in fish, Laina's bedroom is decorated in fish, I have a fish tattooed on my foot for goodness sake! The picture above is my all time current favorite Gymbo outfit (which we are now the proud owners of). I say current favorite outfit because tomorrow they'll go and come out with some other adorable line I can't get enough of. It's going to be a snazzy summer for Ms. Laina.

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