Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy FOURTH Birthday Laina: Birthday Extravaganza Part III

Happy Fourth Birthday Laina! What a busy day we had!

First, you woke up at 6:00 a.m. ready to go!
Luckily we had 2 gifts upstairs waiting for you so you crawled into bed and got to it!
Then we went downstairs and you opened our other gift.
Another round of early morning cupcake decorating!
Then we headed off to The Bounce Zone. Here is Laina doing train slides with CeCe and Annabelle.
Colby bouncing!
Max bouncing!
Laina and friends eating pizza!
CeCe, Laina and Elle
Annabelle & CeCe watch Laina open her gifts.
Then back home and Laina and Daddy pose with the sunflowers they have been growing!
Mommy, Laina and sunflowers!
BEACH FEET! Every year on Laina's birthday we take a trip to the ocean!

Cooper's first trip to the beach - he was a fan!Can I go for a swim?
Daddy & Laina doing their "FOUR" pose!
Laina found two sand dollars at the beach - her gift from the ocean!
Sand dollar!
Mommy & Laina out at birthday dinner
The staff sang happy birthday to Laina and she just about crawled back inside me she was so overwhelmed!
So far, four is treating us well! Here is Laina's reward chart - perfect behavior every day! Way to go kiddo!

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