Saturday, May 23, 2009

Best of Buds

Laina adores Cooper. I couldn't be happier. She is so sweet with him. She wants to help do everything. If we go outside, she wants to come. We go for a walk, she wants to join. Time to put him in the crate, Laina wants to do it. Cooper needs toys, Laina provides. Cooper's toys are all over the house, Laina cleans them up. When Cooper first came home, she was timid around him. He was pretty busy and he moved a little too fast for her. I couldn't leave them alone together because it wouldn't go well. Now, they are just best of buds. It's nice because he occupies her ~ and she occupies him. Here's a cute series of photos taken one morning this week before leaving for school. It starts out all nice and composed --- but quickly de-rails!

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