Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas to all...

Laina had a wonderful Christmas. She had but one item on her Christmas list to Santa, the beloved pink kitchen. Well, luckily the big guy came through. Laina got up Joe was downstairs waiting with the video camera and I was so wrapped up in enjoying the moment that I didn't think to grab the real camera. Oh well, we have it on video and I can go back and re-live it!

Here's the stash of presents that Santa left for Laina. He wrapped all her presents in Tinkerbell paper. He's one smart guy, huh.
And here she is with the infamous kitchen. Santa left it in the living room with a big blanket over it and when she pulled the blanket off, she very dramatically said "ohhhh, its my very own kitchen"!
Loving the kitchen. Santa also got her the apron, chef hat, oven mitts, new pots & pans and a coffee maker to go along with all the kitchen food, etc. that she already had.
Unwrapping one of the many many many Tinkerbell gifts she got!
She was in her glory.
And the big surprise was this dollhouse from Grammy and Grampy. We had it all assembled but left in the mudroom so that she wouldn't see it right away. We got up and did "Santa gifts" and then decided to eat breakfast before we opened the "tree presents". So, Laina finished eating first and hopped down from the table and out of the corner of her eye she saw something in the mudroom and went out there. She said "Mommy, what's this!?!?" and when she pulled teh blanket off she exclaimed "IT'S A HOUSE!" We hadn't put all the furniture and dolls in yet figuring she would enjoy doing that - and some things were wrapped and under the tree so when she saw that it was in fact an empty house she said "I need something to put in it!!!" She's been having a ball playing with both items.

Other highlights of the day include the box of dress up Disney clothes, jewelery and shoes I finally broke down and got for her. Generally I'm not a fan of the Disney princesses but Laina has really taken to them so I gave in! She also loves her new puzzles, coloring books, broom & dustpan (she's tidy like her momma), Melissa & Doug pizza party set, baby dolls, Tinkerbell dolls, PJ's, undewear and coloring books and many many other games and toys. After everything was unwrapped I joked that it looked like Toys R Us had imploded in our living room.

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