Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!!!

Laina and I planned a fun birthday celebration for daddy. Yesterday we picked out a balloon to give to daddy today. I asked Laina if she thought we could hide the balloon and not tell daddy about it until the morning when it was his birthday. She told me she would keep it quiet. We even walked around saying "shhhhhh". Then, at the end of the day when daddy got home from work Laina ran up to him and said "we have a balloon for you daddy!!!" She hasn't learned the fine art of keeping secrets yet!

This morning we got up and I made chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. Then, because daddy didn't have any court today he was able to join us at music class. Laina thought that was pretty cool to have daddy there in class and Joe enjoyed seeing what we do in music class. After I picked Laina up from school, we frosted the cake we baked yesterday and then Laina decorated it with sprinkles. We had a yummie dinner of stuffed peppers (Joe's request), chocolate cake with chocolate frosting for dessert and then daddy opened his presents (new Merrell's and a couple of books).

Laina was very cute and had some definite ideas on what makes a good party and insisted that we buy balloons and party hats. All in all I think daddy had a nice birthday.

Laina enjoying chocolate chip pancakes this morning.
Daddy with his balloon eating pancakes.
Laina decorating daddy's cake.
Laina with her masterpiece.
She was pretty bummed out that she had to
actually eat dinner before we cut the cake!
Daddy with the card Laina picked out for him.
It has Mickey on it - go figure!
Laina and daddy ready to enjoy cake.
Happy Birthday Daddy!!!
We love you very very much!!!

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