Thursday, October 2, 2008

Avon Walk For Breast Cancer!

for 2 days, we walk as 1

Well, it's here! I head to Rhode Island today and then tomorrow we drive to New York City. The walk begins early Saturday morning! I can't believe its here! I approached Di about doing this walk in January and back then October seemed SO far away!

My bags are all packed...sleeping bag, camping pad, etc. We're limited to 30lbs of gear and I've discovered that 30 lbs is actually a generous amount of space! Last time I weighed my bag I was at about 23 lbs with just a few final things to add.

Laina understands that I'm going to New York City with Auntie Di to do a big walk. She will be home with Daddy for the long weekend. She was very cute last night. Her hair was in her face so she asked me to put it in a ponytail. Then she said..."and daddy will do my ponytail on Monday". Daddy hasn't done pony's yet...but they'll figure it all out. I dropped her off at school this morning and she gave me a big hug and a kiss. It's hard to be away from her!

So, wish us luck! We've each raised over $1900, we'll be sleeping in a tent and we're going to walk for as many of the 26.2 miles as we can without hurting ourselves! I'll post an update when I get back. Thanks to everyone who sponsored me and has sent along words of encouragement. The support will take me far this weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandy, Good luck & have a great time!!