Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Chronicles of Flat Freddie!

Joe had to fly to Chicago for a Federal Sentencing Law Conference. He left early Wednesday morning and didn't return until very late Saturday night. We knew that Laina was not going to have an easy time with the concept of Joe being away for 4 days. Auntie Renee came up with a great idea to use the "Flat Stanley" concept and send something on the trip with Joe and he could report back to us with photos of their adventures. I downloaded a "Flat Stanley" doll off the web and presented the idea to Laina. She was all for it, but decided he should be named "Flat Freddie" instead. Sounded good to us!

Here are some pictures of Flat Freddie's adventures. From Laina creating him, to us brining Daddy to the airport at the crack of dawn, to Freddie touring Chicago (or at least the Hyatt!) Joe got home late last night. His flight was very delayed due to thunderstorms in Philly. We were never so happy to see him arrive home!

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