Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Dance Class Starts Today

My little dancer is sleeping right now, but I must wake her up momentarily. We start dance class again today and this is a big day because its Laina's first class where she goes in without me. Last year we took "Mommy & Me" dance so I was in the room with her every class. This year she moved up to the next level class called "Creative Movement" and I sit out in the hallway while she goes in and dances with Ms. Nicole and the other girls her age. When I first brought this up to Laina her reply was "my want you go with me mommy" and so little by little over the last few weeks I've been working on getting her excited to go in the room by herself. Last night when we talked about it she said "and you no go in the room with me mommy - you stay outside". Hopefully she'll feel the same way when we actually get there today. We tried on her leotard and tutu last night and I just think she looks adorable. Something about this outfit makes her look extra tall - as if that's possible, right! She'll be wearing her tights and her ballet slippers today but for last night she was barefoot. Wish us luck! I'll post an update tonight!

1 comment:

Burgh Baby said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun in my 'hood!