Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Boo....has a boo boo

Summer is a funny time for an almost 3 year old. It's shorts season and three year olds tend to play rough. Laina's legs are so scraped up, she's got boo boo's on top of boo boo's on top of boo boo's. I'm almost looking forward to fall just so her legs get covered up with pants again. When we picked her up at school on Thursday she had just fallen and cut open her knee....again. Her teacher had cleaned it and bandaged it and she was pretty upset. Later that night I had the pleasure of removing the band aid and cleaning it again. I literally had to close the windows in the house so that the people who live around us weren't concerned for her safety. You would think I was torturing the poor child. She was SO upset. It's times like that when its hard being the mommy. It's really hard being the one to inflict pain on your own child...all in the name of doing something for their own good. It's a pretty big scrape and I know it hurts her like the dickens...but alas...clean it, we must.

The whole Band Aid thing is pretty funny. I'm sure most kids are like this but for some reason once you've put a band aid on the boo boo, it magically seems to "get better" in their eyes. If you pull out a cool Sesame Street or Nemo band aid, the healing powers multiply. The other funny thing is that once said bandage is applied, Laina suddenly cannot walk around and needs to be in...."pick me up, my can't walk with my band aid".

One *good* thing about a boo boo - it always results in lots of hugs and snuggle time which are rare with an "on the go" three year old! So, while I don't want her to get hurt, I will take the snuggles and hugs that come with the tears.

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