Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Boo Wins Reward!

A few months ago we started using this responsibility and reward chart. We've had good success with controlling some of the behavioral issues that have emerged with our wonderful little three year old. Laina's responsibilities are listed on the left and include: be nice, take bath, use the potty right before bed, no accidents at school, table manners, brush teeth, first time and say please and thank you. For the most part Laina earns all her magnets. The ones she tends to struggle with are "be nice", which means yelling and/or arguing with Mommy & Daddy and "first time", which means she's not doing something the first time we tell her. This chart represents a near perfect week and Laina was very proud of herself. At the end of the week, Mommy and Daddy discuss how Laina did overall and decide if she earns a reward at the end of the week. Last week she earned a reward and she chose to purchase a new battery operated Cinderella toothbrush that spins when you turn it on. Good Job Laina!!!

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