Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day Daddy!

My Joe, the man who was born to be a Daddy - Happy Father's Day! We had a nice day today. We got up and gave Joe his cards and presents, which I'm sure was the highlight of Laina's day - she loves gifts! We had a nice homemade french toast breakfast. Then Laina and I headed out to do some errands so that Daddy could have some "down time" and when we got back, we watched 101 Dalmatians together as a family. For dinner it was Daddy's choice and I made stuffed peppers. Overall a nice, relaxing family weekend. The two downsides - - - it hasn't stopped raining for days and today was no exception and yesterday Joe smashed his foot and likely broke or sprained his toe. He's all black and blue, swollen and limping around. Poor Daddy.

Right before opening presents. Joe is wearing the shirt that Laina made for him at school. She gave it to him on Thursday at the Father's Day ice cream social!
Joe's first present - a wind chime that Laina painted herself.
Daddy's new shirt!
"Love Hands" framed for Joe, from me. Hanging on the wall in our mudroom.
Excuse the glare from the flash!
The framed "I Heart U" picture from Laina and I
Laina and Daddy dancing to Loudon Wainright's "Daughter". We explained to Laina today that if it weren't for her, we wouldn't be able to celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day!

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