Today was Laina's last day at school before her birthday so we made cupcakes to bring to school today to celebrate. I frosted them this morning and Laina wanted to decorate them. We went out to the driveway in our PJ's and I gave her a container of sprinkles and let her go to town. She had a blast, the cupcakes came out adorable and my driveway is now covered in speckles. All reports came back that the kids loved her cupcakes today at snack time. Her teachers made her a cute "Birthday Girl" crown to wear today and it was adorable when the other kids said "Happy Birthday Laina" as we left for the day today.
It's so hard to believe that tomorrow my little love bug will be 3.! Where did the time go?
Happy 3rd Birthday Laina -- We love you very much and can't wait to see you tonight. Love, Auntie Di, Uncle Tommy and Cousin Nik
Happy Birthday Laina-- You're growing up so fast! I love watching when Mom shows you dancing on video. I wish I was that light on my feet!
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