You probably know that I'm somewhat organized, tidy, and like things to match. Well, my daughter is definitely following in my footsteps. I'm really curious to know whether this is "nature" or "nurture"...Is she so particular about things because its just in her genes, or did she learn this by watching me? Fascinating stuff.
Laina knows to pick out hair clips that match her outfits. She makes sure that her socks match her clothes. She even notices when she and I both happen to match each other. She cleans up her toys when she's done playing with them. At school she encourages her friends to pick up their toys. She goes around the house closing drawers and doors around her to keep things "tidy". But yesterday, this was the best. I picked her up from daycare and apparently she got in a little tussle with her friend Evan over a chair. I think Laina probably wanted the chair and Evan wanted the chair too. In frustration, Evan tried to bite Laina and fortunately he missed biting her skin and instead he bit her shirt and she ended up with a hole in her sleeve. When we got home and she was telling me about the whole thing, she told me she wanted Evan to bite the other sleeve so that she had a hole on the other sleeve too and then she would have matching holes. Too much.
Here's a cute picture of Laina modeling one of my hats.
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