PAPARAZZI: term for photographers who take candid photographs of celebrities, usually by relentlessly shadowing them in their public and private activities.
MOMMARAZZI: term for Mommy who takes candid photographs of her child, usually by relentlessly shadowing her every move!
My little super stars had a super duper Halloween this year! Laina chose Super Girl as her costume so of course that meant I had to find a Super Man costume for Mr. Cooper. I think they look awfully adorable together!
Laina carved her own pumpkin on Halloween morning. She drew the face by herself and did a bit of the carving too - Joe helped a little! I think it looks so adorable! It's Laina's first official pumpkin!
We got good and messy this year carving our pumpkins! Laina had a great time and the final product was adorable! We are getting very excited for Halloween!
A few weeks before Joe's birthday Laina said to him "Daddy you need to decide what kind of birthday you know, I had a Tiana party...what kind of party do you want?" Very very cute! So Joe chose The Incredibles which was a little bit difficult because there isn't a lot available for decorations since its a pretty old movie. But Laina and I came up with some fun decorations and had a great party for him. He loved it - especially his face in Mr. Incredible's body!
My super duo had a great time at the Halloween celebration held in our Town. Our favorite activities included the doggie costume contest and the hayride. Fun afternoon - but super chilly!!
Laina's last soccer game was held indoors because of the weather. Grampy was in town visiting and Laina was really happy that he came to watch her play. So happy, that she didn't pay as much attention to the game as she did watching to see if Grampy was watching her. Oh well! Laina also got her soccer medal and she was very proud to show it off!
Laina and I spent an overnight at Grampy's which was tons of fun. Grampy even graced us with some heat! That's a big step. Auntie Di, Uncle Tom and Cuzzie Nik came up to visit too. Laina adores her family and is blessed by so many people who love her.