I can understand about 99.999% of what Laina says. Most people can understand 99.999% of what Laina says. But this one just had me stumped! For days Laina kept talking about how Matthew (a kid at school) got a care hut. I had NO idea what she was talking about. I kept trying to ask her questions to figure this one out.....do you mean a carrot? NO she would reply...a CARE HUT. I don't know what a care hut is Laina....tell me more about it....what color is it, what shape is it, etc. And she just got louder and louder...a CARE HUT....A CARE HUT! As if talking to me LOUDER would make me understand. So we finally just agreed to not talk about it any more. So a few days passed and I didn't think much of the old care hut.
Joe had gotten his hair cut one day and at dinner Laina said to him...."Daddy, you got a care hut" and finally it clicked.. Care hut means.....HAIR CUT! Then it all came together. Matthew at school had this long floppy hair and then one day he came in with a buzz cut and yes, boy oh boy did Matthew ever get a "care hut" or hair cut as it were!
These kinds of things crack me up. I love the whole learning language stuff. The other cute one is that Renee's new baby's name is Emily and Laina is having a hard time saying Emily so she calls her "enemy" which is just funny because little baby Emily is sooooooo not the enemy!
In any event, here's a cute picture of Laina wearing my Pittsburgh Pirates hat, eating her ham and cheese sandwich and showing off her new "care hut". Don't her bangs look adorable when they are freshly cut!