Wow, a whole year has gone by and here we are, on the eve of 2009. The three of us are getting over strep throat and ear infections and we are all very much looking forward to turning the calendar to 2009 and welcoming in a new healthy year!
Much has happened in 2008. The picture above was taking on January 1st. I love this picture of Joe and Laina. Can you just see in Joe's eyes how much he adores that little girl. Wow, am I blessed to have such a fabulous husband and father to my little girl. Laina has changed so much since this photo was taken. She is now a full fledged little girl - no more baby. Sad but exciting too. She is her own little person with big ideas and even bigger opinions.
There's a lot to celebrate. My father came through quadruple bypass surgery with flying colors and is back to his old self these days (for better or worse - ha ha!). He was living with us when this photo was taken and could barely get himself around my house. He's come a long way this year. My sister Dianne is a full fledged breast cancer survivor. She finished up treatment in May of '08 and while she's still struggling with some aspects of her recovery, she has made amazing progress. The two of us completed the Avon 2 day breast cancer walk in October, which is something we spent the better part of the year preparing for (training and fund raising). We celebrated lots of birthdays. The first round of SPG babies turned 3 this year which is just amazing that 3 years have gone by since these little people entered our lives. We welcomed the newest SPG baby, Emily in July. Laina performed in her first dance recital at the Merrill Auditorium and is loving her dance class as well as her music classes and swimming. We visited Pittsburgh this summer and Laina met all her family on Joe's side for the first time which was wonderful. Joe and I also took our first solo vacation this year, which was challenging but much needed and truly restful. We enrolled Laina in a wonderful new school which she is really really enjoying. And most of all we're just loving watching Laina "unfold" into who she will be as a person. She's a smart little girl with a twinkle in her eye. She's a full fledged 3 year old which Dianne always warned me is harder then those "terrible two's" everyone talks about and so we surely have our days...but overall she is just a delight and Joe and I always shake our heads and remind ourselves that we made her...amazing isn't it!
Here's a picture of Laina taken today, on New Year's Eve. Happy New Year to everyone. May your 2009 be filled with joy, peace, laughter and love.